The paternal lineage: James Collier I, II and III. Hard to get all three of us in a photo—impossible if no one’s wearing camo. From our last hunting trip together in 2014.

The paternal lineage: James Collier I, II and III. Hard to get all three of us in a photo—impossible if no one’s wearing camo. From our last hunting trip together in 2014.

The paternal lineage: James Collier I, II and III. Hard to get all three of us in a photo—impossible if no one’s wearing camo. From our last hunting trip together in 2014.2019-06-17T02:39:12+00:00

California’s been great, but if I’m gonna sweat this much, I want it to be at home in front of plate of crawfish. This trip was more catch-ups than work, but I revisited a couple of spots for the woven series. Here: Grapevines just east of Fresno, and almond trees just north

California’s been great, but if I’m gonna sweat this much, I want it to be at home in front of plate of crawfish. This trip was more catch-ups than work, but I revisited a couple of spots for the woven series. Here: Grapevines just east of Fresno, and almond trees just north. #woven #wovenwednesday

California’s been great, but if I’m gonna sweat this much, I want it to be at home in front of plate of crawfish. This trip was more catch-ups than work, but I revisited a couple of spots for the woven series. Here: Grapevines just east of Fresno, and almond trees just north2019-06-13T02:30:21+00:00

Back in central California for a few days. Let’s get weird with produce and paletas and tacos.

Back in central California for a few days. Let’s get weird with produce and paletas and tacos.

Back in central California for a few days. Let’s get weird with produce and paletas and tacos.2019-06-07T23:49:56+00:00

I live here, in this real-life Pinterest board filled with found coffee mugs and breakfast pie. Truly, truly blessed.

I live here, in this real-life Pinterest board filled with found coffee mugs and breakfast pie. Truly, truly blessed.

I live here, in this real-life Pinterest board filled with found coffee mugs and breakfast pie. Truly, truly blessed.2019-05-31T20:26:25+00:00
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